At Axiom Electrical Services, we’re committed to helping you harness the power of the sun. Our specialized services for solar system installations are designed to provide you with a sustainable, efficient, and cost-effective energy solution.

Solar Services at Axiom Electrical Services

Your Trusted Solar Assistant

While we don’t design solar systems or install panels on roofs, Axiom Electrical Services plays a crucial role in your solar energy journey. We specialize in line voltage installation and inspection, ensuring that your solar energy system is seamlessly integrated into your existing electrical infrastructure.

Generac PWRcell Certified

We are proud to be Generac certified for the installation of PWRcell inverters and battery banks. PWRcell is Generac’s clean energy division, focused on providing efficient and reliable energy storage solutions. Although Generac doesn’t sell solar panels, their PWRcell inverters and battery banks are essential components for a complete solar energy system.

Why Choose Us?

  • Expertise in Line Voltage Installation: Our team ensures that your solar energy system is correctly connected to your home or business, meeting all local, state, and national electrical codes.
  • Certified Installers: As Generac PWRcell certified professionals, we have the expertise to install high-quality inverters and battery banks that optimize your solar energy storage and usage.
  • Inspection Services: We provide thorough on-site verbal explanations during the inspection process, helping you understand how the installation enhances the safety and efficiency of your solar energy system.

Equipment Used and Needed

Solar Panels

  • Photovoltaic (PV) cells that convert sunlight into electricity


  • Converts the direct current (DC) produced by the panels into alternating current (AC) for home use


  • Store excess energy for use during nighttime or cloudy days


  • Measures the amount of electricity produced and consumed

Mounting Hardware

  • Racks and mounts to secure the panels on rooftops or ground

Functionality and Integration

Your solar system will be fully integrated into your existing electrical setup. During the day, the solar panels generate electricity that either powers your home directly or charges the batteries. The inverter ensures that the electricity is in the correct form for home use. Any excess energy can be fed back into the grid, often earning you credits from your utility company.

Laws and Regulations

We adhere to all Michigan and federal laws and regulations concerning solar system installations, including:

  • Compliance with National Electrical Code (NEC)
  • Use of approved and certified equipment
  • Proper safety measures during installation and maintenance

Ready to Make the Switch to Solar?

Take control of your energy consumption and make a positive impact on the environment. Trust Axiom Electrical Services for a seamless transition to solar power.

Expand Your Solar Energy Capabilities with Axiom Electrical Services

Embrace the power of solar energy with Axiom Electrical Services. As your solar assistant, we don’t just connect your solar systems; we ensure they perform optimally and safely within your existing electrical framework.

Comprehensive Solar Integration Services

Our service extends beyond basic installation. We specialize in integrating sophisticated solar systems with your home or business’s primary electrical infrastructure. Here’s how we can help:

  • Seamless System Integration: We expertly manage the integration of solar energy systems with your building’s electrical systems, ensuring efficient and safe operation.
  • Dedicated Power Management: Optimize how solar energy is used throughout your property with advanced power management strategies that reduce waste and increase savings.

Generac PWRcell: A Leader in Solar Energy Storage

As certified installers of Generac PWRcell systems, we offer top-tier storage solutions:

  • Advanced Energy Storage: PWRcell inverters and battery banks enhance your solar system’s capability to store and use solar energy more effectively, providing power even during outages or peak demand times.
  • Reliable Backup Power: With Generac PWRcell, you gain reliable backup power, ensuring that your home or business remains operational regardless of grid conditions.

Why Choose Axiom Electrical Services?

  • Regulatory Compliance: We ensure all installations comply with the latest National Electrical Code (NEC) and local regulations, guaranteeing your system is not only efficient but also legally compliant.
  • Educational Insight: During our inspections, we provide comprehensive verbal explanations of how your system works and why each component is essential for optimal performance and safety.

Essential Components for Optimal Solar Performance

We use only the highest quality components in our solar installations:

  • High-Efficiency Solar Panels: Capture sunlight effectively to convert it into usable energy.
  • State-of-the-Art Inverters: Ensure the energy produced is compatible with your home’s electrical systems.
  • Robust Battery Systems: Store excess energy to maintain power supply without interruption.
  • Smart Meters and Monitoring: Track production and consumption to maximize your energy savings and return on investment.

Ready to Enhance Your Property with Solar Power?

If you’re considering solar energy, Axiom Electrical Services is here to ensure a smooth and beneficial transition. Our expertise in line voltage installation and system integration makes us the ideal partner for your solar energy needs. Contact us today to begin your journey to a more sustainable and efficient energy future.